Texts by Zane Berzina
Berzina, Z (2011). BIO.logics - Learning from Nature
In BIO.logics - Learning from Nature catalogue, edited by Zane Berzina.
Publisher: Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, Berlin, 2011
Berzina, Z (2010). High-Craft - Examples of Practice Led Research Work from 2000 to 2010
In Future Textile Environments, edited by Renata Brink, Marion Ullrich
Publisher: HAW Hamburg and R. Brink, M. Ullrich, 2010
Berzina, Z (2010). Sensory Interfaces
In Sensory Interfaces catalogue, edited by Zane Berzina.
Publisher: Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, Berlin, 2010
Berzina, Z (2009). Think Senses!
In Think Senses! catalogue, edited by Zane Berzina.
Publisher: Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, Berlin, 2009
Berzina, Z (2008). E-Static Shadows.
Ambience 08 Conference. Paper publications, 2008, The Swedish School of Textiles, University College of Borås, Sweden and the Tampere University of Technology, Finland.
Berzina, Z (2008). Re-thinking Touch.
In Sk-interfaces, Exhibition catalogue, edited by Jens Hauser. Publisher: Liverpool University Press and FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology), Liverpool, 2008, p.147-149 ISBN 978-1-84631-149-9
Berzina, Z (2008). Hautgeschichten - Hauttopographie. Mikroskopie in der Textilkunst.
Mikrokosmos 97, Sonderheft, January 2008, Germany, p.44-46
Berzina, Z (2007). Hautgeschichten - Hauttopographie.
Politik und Kultur - Zeitung des Deutschen Kulturrates, Nr. 03/07, May - June 2007, Germany, p.8, ISSN 1619-4217 * B 58662
Berzina, Z (2007). Designing for Future Textiles - Challenges of Hybrid Practices. Textile Narratives + Conversations' Conference, Conference Proceedings, October 2006, Textile Society of America, Toronto, Canada (in preparation)
Berzina, Z (2007). Charting and Mapping the Skin.
Wearable Futures: Hybrid Culture in the Design and Development of Soft Technology, DVD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference, University of Wales, September 2005 ISBN 978-1-899274-34-5
Berzina, Z (2006). Skin Stories II - Archaeology of Skin
Zane Berzina, exhibition catalogue. Publisher: British Council, Riga, 2006
Berzina, Z (2006). Textile Education in Berlin.
Textile Forum magazine, 1/2006 Issue, The European Textile Network, Germany, p.32-33
Berzina, Z (2005). Skin Stories: Charting and Mapping the Skin.
Text - For The Study Of Textile Art, Design & Fashion, Volume 33 2005-6, The Textile Society, London, p.5-12
Berzina, Z (2005). Skin Stories: Charting and Mapping the Skin.
The Hub, June 2005/issue 01, London College of Fashion, London, p.15
Berzina, Z (2005). Skin Stories: Charting and Mapping the Skin. Research using Analogies of Human Skin Tissue in Relation to my Textiles Practice.
Research Publication, London College of Fashion, London, p.68-69
Berzina, Z (2003). Inteligentais Tekstila Dizains (Intelligent Textile Design). Latvijas Architektura, #1(45) / 03, Lilita, Riga (Latvia), p.58-61
Selected Publications in Books & Catalogues
Material Revolution: Sustainable Multi-Purpose Materials for Design and Architecture
Sascha Peters, Birkhäuser Verlag (Basel/Berlin), 2011
Made Of... New Materials Sourcebook for Architecture and Design
Christiane Sauer, Gestalten (Berlin), 2010
Functional Aesthetics: Visions in Fashion and Technology
Sabine Seymour, SpringerWienNewYork, 2010
Transbiotics: Temporal Stability Points
kim? / RIXC / VKN galleries at Spikeri, Riga, Latvia
Exhibition Catalogue. Publisher: RIXC / LiepU MPLab, Riga, 2010
Fashionable Technology - The Intersection of Design, Fashion, Science, and Technology
Sabine Seymour. Publisher: SpringerWienNewYork, 2008
Sk-interfaces: Exploring Borders - Creating Membranes
Exhibition catalogue, edited by Jens Hauser. Publisher: Liverpool University Press and FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology), Liverpool, 2008
Inspired Design
Exhibition catalogue. Publisher: Center for Craft, Creativity and Design, North Carolina, USA, 2008
Cloth & Culture Now
Exhibition catalogue, edited by Lesley Miller. Publisher: University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone and Rochester, 2007
Artists at Work: New Technology in Textile and Fibre Art
International textile exhibition, exhibition catalogue, Textile Museum of Prato, Italy. Publisher: Textile Museum of Prato, 2003
Selected Publications & Reviews in Printed Media
Arhitektura i Dizain Baltii
Umnije tkani Zane Berzini, interview by Ina Oskaja (in Russian)
December 2009/January 2010 (The Baltic States)
Virsmas un robežas. [vai: Spogulis, kas rāda tikai ēnu] interview by Iliana Veinberga (in Latvian)
October/November, 2009 (Latvia)
Textile Forum
Zane Berzina: E-Static Shadows, essay by Beatrijs Sterk (in German and English)
September, 3/2009 (Germany)
Der Tagesspiegel
Leichte Leibchen, interview by Anna Sauerbrey (in German)
11.08.2009 (Germany)
Gudrajam tekstilam ir nakotne, interview by Zane Radzobe (in Latvian)
27. Febr, 2008 (Latvia)
Gudro audumu maksla, interview by Zanda Malniece (in Latvian)
18. Febr, 2008 (Latvia)
Dienas Bizness
Ideju Spekstacija, interview by Jana Gavare (in Latvian)
1. Febr, 2008, No 22 (3283) (Latvia)
Maksla Plus
Tekstils. Tiesa un Atgriezeniska Saite, interview by Irena Buzinkska (in Latvian)
1/2007 Feb/March 2007 (Latvia)
Zane Berzina: Skin Stories - Archaeology of Skin, review by Lesley Millar (in English)
issue 15, 2007 (UK)
Baltic Outlook
Touch Me! interview by Anda Klavina (in English)
Oct./Nov. 2006 (the Baltic States)
Latvijas Avize
Maksla Patiesiba ir Skaista, interview by Baiba Sprance (in Latvian)
28. Oct. 2006 (Latvia)
Atpakal pie Mates Dabas, interview by Anda Klavina (in Latvian)
20. Oct. 2006 (Latvia)
Nakotnes Dizainere, essay by Anda Klavina
17. Jan. 2006 (Latvia)
Hautgeschichten - Skin Stories, essay by Dr. Klaus Hausmann (in German)
#4 July 2003 (Germany)
Jenseits (in German)
#02.2003 (Germany)
Rigas Balss
Adas stasti uz auduma, (Skin Stories on Textiles), review by Dace Vizule (in Latvian)
5 Sept. 2000 (Latvia)
Stradat ar verienu (To Work Large Scale), review by Tekla Saitere (in Latvian)
5 Sept. 2000 (Latvia)
Berliner Zeitung
Lettische Künstlerin läßt Engel schweben (in German)
Nr. 31 CW, 6/7 Feb. 1999 (Germany)
Zane starp engeliem un zemes virsu (Zane Among the Angels and on the Earth), essay by Andris Stavro (in Latvian)
Dec. 1997 (Latvia)
Literatura. Maksla. Mes.
Zanes Berzinas engeli Berline (Zane Berzina`s Angels in Berlin), review by Valda Klavina (in Latvian)
Aug. 1997 (Latvia)
Der Tagesspiegel
Engel aus dem fernen Lettland (in German)
7 Aug. 1997 (Germany)
Lielpilsetas engeli (Angels of the City) (in Latvian)
July 1997 (Latvia)
Berliner Morgenpost
Himmlische Boten schweben durch die HdK - Galerie (in German)
29 July 1997 (Germany)
Die Welt
Nike auf hauchdünnem Tuch (in German)
26th of July 1997 (Germany)
Selected TV productions
Latvian TV production Dec. 2008 (Latvia)
Latvians Can: Artist, Designer and Researcher Zane Berzina
Interview, 30 min.
Latvian TV production Dec. 1998 (Latvia)
Artist Zane Berzina Between Berlin and Riga
Documentary film 30 min., film director Ruta Celma